Revising UMaine’s Gen Eds: Reaffirming the Promise of a UMaine Degree

The 2021-22 academic year saw a campus conversation about our General Education curriculum, with a new plan for Gen Eds that was presented to faculty senate at the academic year’s end.  Gen Eds are a promise that all faculty and staff make about what all UMaine undergraduates will experience during their time here.  As a promise from all of us, Gen Ed design must be informed by what we most want for all of our students.  To accomplish this, a Gen Ed Reform Committee, co-led by Faculty Senate and the Provost’s Office spoke with many groups of faculty, staff, and students to present hypothetical designs and get input on Gen Ed characteristics we are excited or hesitant about.  More information on this process is available in the video links found below.

Our goal for Gen Ed Reform and its justification – What is the promise we deliver with a UMaine degree?

A Review of the Data

Maintaining Gen Ed quality and mission: a proposed stewardship body


A potential model for Gen Ed Revisions 1: “Pathways”


A potential model for Gen Ed Revisions 2: “Grand Challenge”


A potential model for Gen Ed revisions 3: “Tiered”


Comparing the Three Models